
아브라함 블로이메르트 (Abraham Bloemaert, 1566-1651) 본문

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아브라함 블로이메르트 (Abraham Bloemaert, 1566-1651)

Guanah·Hugo 2025. 2. 9. 08:37

출처 :  미술로 여는 세상 | BAND


Abraham Bloemaert - A farmhouse with the prodigal son, 1605-10
헤라드 반 혼토르스트의 스승으로 알려진 블로이메르트는,
건축가인 코르넬리스 블로이메르트 1세의 아들로 합스부르그헴에서 1566년 태어났다.

Abraham Bloemaert - A kitchen still life with a couple standing beside a table with an elaborate display of meat, fish, vegetables and fruit
게리트 스플린테르(Gerrit Splinter)와 후스 드 비르(Joos de Beer) 밑에서 공부를 했으며,
잠시 장 바소(Jean Bassot)로부터도 배웠고,
히에로니무스 프랑켄(Hieronymus Francken)게도 교육을 받았다.

Abraham Bloemaert - A Man with a Dog in a Landscape
1593년 아버지의 사망과 함께 우트레흐트로 와서,
요하힘 위트윌(Joachim Wtewael)과 파울루스 모렐스(Paulus Morelse)와 함께,
유트레흐트 화가 길드(St Lucas-gilde)를 창설하여,
우트레흐트 소재 가톨릭 교회에 많은 그림들을 남겼다.

Abraham Bloemaert - A mythological scene, perhaps Venus and Cupid
색감처리에 뛰어난 그는 역사화와 우화적인 그림은 물론,
정물화와 풍경화에 이르기까지 다방면에 걸쳐 많은 그림들을 남겼다.

Abraham Bloemaert - A river landscape with shepherds resting

Abraham Bloemaert - A Scene from the Old Testament

Abraham Bloemaert - Adam and Eve

Abraham Bloemaert - Adoration of the Magi, 1623-24

Abraham Bloemaert - Adoration of the Magi, 1624

Abraham Bloemaert - Adoration of the Shepherds, 1600

Abraham Bloemaert - Allegory of Time

Abraham Bloemaert - Apollo and Diana Punishing Niobe by Killing her Children, 1591

Abraham Bloemaert - Boy with a Flute

Abraham Bloemaert - Cain Slaying Abel, 1590-99

Abraham Bloemaert - Cephalus and Procris

Abraham Bloemaert - Cimon and Pero, 1610

Abraham Bloemaert - Feast of the Gods at the wedding of Peleus and Thetis, 1638

Abraham Bloemaert - Head of an Old Man, 1639

Abraham Bloemaert - Hercules Kicking Faunus out of Omfale's Bed, 1607

Abraham Bloemaert - John the Baptist Preaching, 1593-95

Abraham Bloemaert - John the Baptist preaching, c.1620

Abraham Bloemaert - Joseph and his Brothers, 1595-1600

Abraham Bloemaert - Jupiter and Callisto

Abraham Bloemaert - Landscape with Houses, Mountains, Figures, and Animals

Abraham Bloemaert - Landscape with Peasants Resting, 1650

Abraham Bloemaert - Landscape with the Prophet Elijah in the Desert, 1610-20

Abraham Bloemaert - Landscape with Tobias and the Angel, 1600-20

Abraham Bloemaert - Landscape with vegetables in the foreground

Abraham Bloemaert – Landscape

Abraham Bloemaert - Lot and His Daughters, 1624

Abraham Bloemaert - Mercury, Argus and Io

Abraham Bloemaert - Miracle of the Loaves, Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand

Abraham Bloemaert - Moses Striking the Rock, 1596

Abraham Bloemaert - Niobe mourning her children, 1591

Abraham Bloemaert - Old Man with Chicken

Abraham Bloemaert - Old Woman, 1635

Abraham Bloemaert - Parable of the Wheat and the Tares, 1624

Abraham Bloemaert - Rest on the Flight into Egypt, 1632

Abraham Bloemaert - Shepherd Boy Pointing at Tobias and the Angel, 1625-30

Abraham Bloemaert - Shepherdess with Grapes, 1628

Abraham Bloemaert - Sine Baccho et Cenere friget Venus, 1566

Abraham Bloemaert - The Adoration of the Shepherds

Abraham Bloemaert - The Angels Appearing to the Shepherds

Abraham Bloemaert - The Annunciation

Abraham Bloemaert - The Assumption of the Virgin

Abraham Bloemaert - The Bagpiper, 1625-30

Abraham Bloemaert - The Baptism of Christ

Abraham Bloemaert - The Devil Sowing Tares





